Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ghost Stories of Northern Virginia: Walney Road

Northern Virginia is a place filled with history. Being so close to the capital of the United States and part of one the first states will do that, and as a place filled with history there are plenty of ghost stories. There are your run of the mill Civil War ghost stories like seeing Civil War soldiers crossing a bridge near Bull Run battlefield, but then there are the real interesting ones. Take for instance this one out of Chantilly, Virginia.

Down route 50 right before the exit to 28 lies Walney Road. It is an unassuming road like man that will be found in Northern Virginia. It has an Anita's on the corner and leads down to an industrial park, but it wasn't always part of a built up area. There was a time before Chantilly was built up that Walney road didn't lead to the Dulles Expo center and wasn't even paved.

Walking down an unpaved road on a bleak night is safer than walking down the middle of 95 but it still comes with dangers, and one dark night a man found out this lesson. He had somewhere to go and a place to be or else he wouldn't have been hitchhiking. Hitchhiking can be dangerous enough under street lights or in daytime but under the cover of night far from civilization does nothing but increase the dangers.

When a car finally does come the hitchhiker must have been overcome with a mixed feeling of joy and urgency. If this car didn't stop it could be morning before another car comes along. This since of urgency combined with the driver's surprise at seeing a person out this far and this late must have lead to the accident.

It is unknown when this person was killed or who they were but now if a person drives down Walney Road late at night and sees a hitchhiker they are given three chances to pick them up. If they do not then a mysterious car will come out of nowhere and make them wish that they had stopped. Or at least that is how the legend goes.

There are even more fascinating stories of ghosts and supernatural happenings in Northern Virginia and as a Realtor in the area it is useful to know them. What person doesn't like a good haunted tale every now and then, and who knew there was a haunting along Walney Road in Chantilly, Va.

I learned something new in real estate everyday
so you don't have to
David Huzzard

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