Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ghost Stories of Northern Virginia: Bunny Man Bridge

I still remember the first time I ever heard this story. It was on the day in drivers' ed. when we had to learn to drive on country roads. Northern Virginia is an interesting area, because there are urban, suburban, and rural settings so close together, and it was important to learn how to drive on all types of roads. While driving down Colchester Road in Clifton the instruct told us to stop just before an old dilapidated bridge.

When we asked why we had stopped he told us he had a story we had to hear. As legend would have it a nearby asylum was closed and while the inmates were being transferred their bus crashed. Of the escaped patients only one was never found. Or was never found until skinned rabbit carcasses started to be found hanging from trees in the woods of Clifton.
This understandably freaked out the people located in the neighborhood, but not as much as when a body was found hung up and skinned in similar fashion underneath the very bridge we had stopped in front of. The legend continues that the police where able to track down the killer but could never catch him as he escaped onto the railroad tracks and was struck by a train. The body was never recovered. 

Every year on Halloween night it is said that the Bunny Man returns to this bridge and will deal with any trespassers who are unlucky enough to be around. It is even said that at night people have seen bodies hanging from the underside of the bridge or in the nearby woods. 

It is an interesting tale and I can say that every Halloween there is a large gathering of people that hope to catch a glimpse of the supernatural. The bridge has also been the home to many a strange occurrence. If you have the time drive to the end of Colchester Road and see the Bunny Man Bridge for yourself and decide if that tingling up the back of your spine is the mystic energies in the air or just the breeze.   

I lean something new in real estate everyday
so you don't have to
David Huzzard

1 comment:

  1. Whether or not one believes the Bunnyman legend, anyone planning to visit Bunnyman Bridge should first visit for some important public safety information.
